How To Set Up Your Prayer Journal: Follow These Seven Easy Steps

I'm all about growing my relationship with God through prayer journaling and traditional journaling. I believe that communicating with God is key to personal growth, and I love to share my journey with others. Captivated by the love of Jesus Christ, I'm on a mission to spread positivity and inspire others to deepen their faith too!


To start your prayer journal journey, you're first going to need a notebook you like. You can either use a traditional notebook or a use my journal, The Power of Prayer. All the headings and sections are already created and crafted for you! I recommend that you use the avenue that best suits your needs and personality! Both have their benefits and I promise the outcome will be the same. BUT, if you're more into using a traditional journal, then you've come to the right place! Here's how to set up your prayer journal using these six simple headings and prompts to prayer deeper and grow closer to God. Let's dive in!


In this section is where you'll write down your prayer to God. No need to be too formal--just write what's on your heart. Sometimes I write in bullet format or I write paragraphs for days! No matter how long or short, make sure you write what first comes to mind.


In this section write down all of your needs. What are the necessities you need God to provide for you or your family in this season of your life? The easiest way to tackle this section is in bullet form. Here is an example list .that you can feel free to pull from.


Now it's time to write down your fears. What things are on your your mind that are bringing you discomfort or anxiety? Write them ALL down in this section.


After you have written down all of your fears, go grab a red pen. Next to each fear, write down why that fear is misplaced and irrational. Write down the opposite of that fear and how you know God can conquer that fear in your situation. We have to remember that we forfeit so much peace by not taking our cares to God in prayer. Often times we are fearing circumstances and scenarios that are exaggerated in our minds due to our anxiety and lack of trust in God. God will not forsake you. This step has been very helpful to me. It puts everything into perspective for me and my situation; and I hope it does the same for you as well. This step is mind over matter.

I know this can be difficult to visualize completing this step, so I've put an example down below for you.

MY FEAR IS: I fear that I will not be accepted into the college of my dreams.

THE TRUTH IS: I have done well in high school. My final GPA is exceptional. Faith without works is dead. I have done the work. Now it is time for me to have faith. God will order my steps. Out of all the schools I have applied to, the right one(s) for me will offer me acceptance letters. What God has for me will be for ME. I have nothing to fear; I just have to be patient and believe.


Grab your Bible (or your handy Bible app) and find 3 scriptures that pertain to your situation and the prayer you wrote down to God. Choose the scriptures that most stick out to you and encourage you during this time.


It's so common to ask God for a bunch and to tell Him all about our problems. So much so, that we forget to simply just say "God, THANK YOU!" We have to remember that we are sitting in an answered prayer from a time before. So take this time to write down all the things you are grateful for today.

The Power of Prayer Digital Journal.


This section is all about paying it forward through intercessory prayer. Intercession or intercessory prayer is the act of praying on the behalf of someone else. The Bible says in James 5:16-18, "Confess your sins one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual prayers of the righteous availeth much." Write a short prayer for someone else. Remember this prayer does not have to be about a singular person. For example, you may also pray for your neighborhood, your child's school, your family, or the leadership of your church.


Whew, you still with me?! We've made it to the final section, Manifest the Best. Here is where we're going to give ourselves a dose of self-love! Write down 10 affirmations (I will and I am statements count too!) that will uplift you during this season that you're in. Maybe your inner self needs to hear "I am a good role model", "I will be a great mom!", or even "I will get that new promotion at work!" Whatever you need to manifest in your life, write them down!

I hope these headings and prompts will be a great addition to your prayer journaling routine. If you have prayer journaling tips and headers that you use and would love to share, comment on this post! Remember, with a little faith and prayer, anything is possible!

Until Next Time Friends,

XOXO, Ashley


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